Escape the
Limits of
Connect Anything.
Orchestrate Everything.
LogistiVIEW Warehouse Execution System (WES) is orchestration software that makes your operation more flexible and predictable, so you ship more and spend less.
Gain Operational Flexibility
Implement changes easily with a system built to pivot and adapt to your needs. Achieve continuous improvement without costly add-on modules.
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Simplify Resource Planning and Predict Future Needs
Use automated capacity planning to predict your resource needs and simulation modeling to understand the impact of changes in your processes, capacity, or demand.
- Are you investing too much time and money customizing your current systems?
- Are you maintaining productivity by plugging “holes” in your processes with people and spreadsheets?
- Is your warehouse too complicated to run predictably with your current tools?
- Do your systems need costly upgrades whenever your priorities change?
Our Mission
Reduce the cost, risk, and complexity of continuous improvement by building both the most flexible and scalable WES orchestration software and long-term customer partnerships.
Why LogistiVIEW WES?
Most systems tell you What… What you have in stock. What orders to be processed. What resources are available.
They don’t use that information to make informed decisions. We take or help people to take informed action. We take the What and process additional information that drives the decisions about Who, When, Where, Why and How.
Connect & Orchestrate
The more systems you connect, the more we can orchestrate your facility simplifying your processes and giving you informed control of your entire facility.
Who are the BEST resources (worker/robot) to do the current task?
When should you do each task to get the most orders processed?
Where should tasks be completed to reduce travel time and reserve staging space?
Why you need to shift focus based on exceptions, staffing and priority changes.
How you reassign resources and execute work in your facility to meet your operational goals.
LogistiVIEW Full Warehouse Solutions
Low vendor compliance, niche integration and paper-based process creates problems getting the right information quickly into the system.
Create flexible receiving process in LogistiVIEW using new or existing devices that handles edge cases and allows quick input of items and exceptions.
Variable workloads create spikes and dips in demand for packing often a facility’s #1 bottleneck
Implement scalable packing workflow that adheres to the physical constraints of the facility, and is easy for new associates to learn.
Under Performing Workers
Teammates only receive feedback on a daily or weekly basis (depending on job function) so there is less ability to self-motivate in a consistent manner.
Workflows show performance in real-time depending on company metrics, allowing workers to intuitively learn the most effective methods to improve.
A Day in the Life of Operations with LogistiVIEW.
At the beginning of the shift leaders can see how much work needs to be done and whether they have the resources to get it done on schedule.
Throughout the day leaders can see future needs and be alerted to potential problems based on changing conditions.
The system automatically changes priorities to avoid problems or recommends actions to leaders that maintain consistent productivity.
The best part – you don’t waste valuable resources trying to manage your facility on disconnected systems and spreadsheets prone to human error.
Our Clients - Mid-Market to Global Fortune 100 Companies
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What improves when you partner with us?
Every day becomes a predictable day giving your leaders piece of mind and stability. With our system they can easily predict future needs and be alerted to potential problems based on exceptions and changing conditions before they become problems.
We can automatically make changes to order processing to avoid the problems or alert your leaders and offer suggestions based on the best course of action giving them control and the ability to maintain consistent productivity.
The best part – you don’t waste valuable resources trying to manage your facility on disconnected systems and spreadsheets prone to human error.